Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wedding Video

Here is my wedding video :) I am so happy to be able to share this video. Sorry it is not the of the best quality but I am grateful to be able to have a keepsake of my wedding day. Anyways, enjoy!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Peacock Commision

Here is my latest creation! I just literally finished it. This is by far the largest painting I have ever done. This is a 20in by 36in painting. It was a commission I received not to long ago. It has most definitely been a challenge but a good one.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Primary Color Sisters

And they are finally complete! All three of the Primary Color Sisters are drawn and colored.
I will list them off for you from the oldest to the youngest.

Here is Sapphire, the oldest of the sisters. Sapphire has a sweet and caring personality. You will rarely see her without a smile on her face. She looks out for her younger sisters and wants the best for them.

This is Ginger. The middle sister out of the three. Ginger has a spunky and fun personality. Definitely the most adventurous out of the three sisters. 

This is Goldie, the youngest sister out of the three. Goldie may look the most mature out of her sisters, but in reality she can cry at the drop of a button. At the silliest things too.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the Primary Color Sisters!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunflower Commission

Here is one of my commission paintings. I just recently finished this one.
This painting was actually based on a vase.
The vase had a rough outlining around the leaves and the petals.
What I ended up doing to achieve that look was dip a pencil into the paint and roughly outline the picture. 
It ended up being much harder than it sounds but over all I am rather happy with the result.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hello everyone! 
I hope you are having a great weekend. Recently I just opened my painting doors up to commissions. Within one month of me doing so I received 7 different commissions.That is so great! 

Since I did so well with commissions just from word of mouth I am now going to offer commissions to all of you! If you by any chance are interested in commissioning a painting from me please feel free to leave a comment below or email me.

My email is:

Also the prices can vary depending on the size of the painting. When I weigh out the costs of the painting here is what goes into consideration:

The price of the canvas, price of any supplies I must get for the particular painting if I do have them already, the time needed to complete the paintings, and shipping.

For Example: An 8 inch by 10 inch painting usually goes for $15 plus shipping and handling.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Been Busy

Hello! Sorry that I have not posted in awhile. I have been quite busy lately. As surprising as it sounds. haha!
Chris and I actually had some visitors. First, Christian's siblings came to visit. They were staying for 2 weeks. And on the second week my best friend Jodi and her Aunt also came to visit for a week. So as you can tell, I was very busy keeping them entertained and visiting with great people.

But now that they have all gone back home, I now have time to continue painting again. I am rather excited about it! I have 5 different painting commissions to work on this upcoming week. And I will be sure to post pictures as I paint them.

Also in other exciting news, I sold my Seasons Paintings! Yay! I am rather excited about it. To be perfectly honest I was beginning to worry I would not sell any of my paintings. But the more paintings I do the more people get interested. :)

Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Hello again! Here are two new paintings I finished today. They are more simple than my previous paintings, but I had a lot of fun painting them.

I based the one above vaguely on a peacock. The colors are similar, but the tail is more flowy. 

With this one I was not sure what to paint. I first painted the background and then did not know what to do on top of it. So I just began painting without putting much thought into it and this is what I got. 

Anyways, enjoy! 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sapphire, the Oldest of the Primary Color Sisters

Hello everyone! 
I have been having trouble drawing the other My Little Pony girls, so i decided to take a break from it for a while.
For the time being I decided to draw three sisters, the Primary Color Sisters.
The oldest sister Sapphire, is the first one I have finished. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

R.I.P Grandma D

Hello everyone. 
I wanted to thank everyone who kept Grandma D in their prayers. 
She fought cancer very bravely, however, on June 23 she passed away.

Thankfully my husband and I were able to go up to Washington, where she lived, and see her before she died. It was hard to see her in such a weak state. But we were so blessed to say our good byes and talk with her in her final hours.
I know it meant a lot to my husband to see her again.

Rest in Peace, Grandma D. We love you very much.

Friday, June 14, 2013


 This is it people! The moment I have been waiting for..... My blog has reached 1,000 views! 
(not including my own views)
This calls for a celebration! 
Thank you to everyone who has visited my blog and commented!


Hello everyone! This is my newest painting. You may notice that this painting looks similar to one of my earlier paintings. That is because someone I know asked me to paint them a sunset with birds. It was a lot of fun to paint. The top picture is the sunset before I painted the branches and the birds.
The bottom is the finished product. 
Anyways, Enjoy!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Grandma Dee

Hello everyone! I have a request for everyone. Please pray for my Grandma Dee.
Grandma Dee is not actually my grandmother by blood, but my husband's grandmother. A few weeks Christian got a call from his mom informing us that Grandma Dee had lung cancer. This took us completely by surprise. Grandma had just moved up to Washington to be with Pam (my mother-in-law) and not even a month after moving she found out she had cancer.

Well, throughout the treatments for the cancer it did not shrink. In fact it grew tremendously. The cancer has spread to her brain and her bones. There is not much of any chance that Grandma Dee is going to make it through this. 

I have only met Grandma Dee twice in my life so far. But she is still my family. It pains me to see my husband's family struggling. And I will admit, this time has not at all been easy for me either. Late last year I lost my uncle to brain cancer. So it is not like I have not dealt with cancer with in my family before.... But I don't think it is something anyone could get used to.

Even though the cancer has spread enormously, my husband and I are still going to pray and ask for prayer that she can be healed. Of course, no matter what happens it will be God's will. But we know that God can heal all! So please pray for her to recover. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pinkie Pie

Here is the next pony. This is Pinkie Pie! In the show she is very hyper and loves to throw parties!
Here is what she looks like in her show.

My Sister's Anniversary

Hello again! June 1, 2013 was my sister and her husband's one year wedding anniversary! i am so happy for the both of them. To celebrate I drew them this picture. My sister has been wanting me to draw her a picture of her and her husband since before they got married! So it is a little late, but still special.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hello again! The girl above is based off a character from a kid's show My Little Pony. But you may be asking, aren't all the characters in My Little Pony... ponies? Well, yes they are. However, it has become a recent craze to draw the six main pony characters as humans. I thought that was a fun and creative idea. So I have begun drawing all the characters as humans. 

This character above is named Fluttershy. She is very timid and shy. However, she is rather kind and gentle. She also loves to care for small animals. In the show Fluttershy is my favorite character. That is why i decided to draw her first. I am not an avid fan of My Little Pony, but I do enjoy watching it. It is a very cute and upbeat show. I would recommend watching it.
Below is a picture of Fluttershy as a pony in the show.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Forests For Sale

Now I am officially done with all four of my season forests! As a celebration I would like to offer them up for sale. I would prefer them to be a set, however, I am willing to sell one by itself if need be. I am not going to name a price. If you are interested please either leave a comment or email me at my gmail:
And please name a price that you think is fair.
Each painting is on canvas and is 8X10.

Summer Forest

Here is the long awaited summer forest. It did not turn out exactly as I would have liked. But at least it is done. I am wanting to add more trees to the forest, but I seem to have run out of the green paint I was using. So hopefully I can get a new green soon and add more trees.
Anyways, Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I love to draw and do some sort of art activity whenever I can. Even if I am not particularly good at it. Today I was in the mood to draw something fun and colorful. And these two pictures are what came out of that. Enjoy!

 The one above is something I have been wanting to paint for quite some time. I suppose you could say that this drawing is a first draft or prototype for what is to come. Although, I think with the actual painting I am going to use less red.

The creature you see here is called a Moogle. It is a character from a game called Final Fantasy. I happen to think that they are adorable. So I thought it would be fun to draw a girl that was turned into a moogle. I know her outfit is a little unpractical, but it was a lot of fun to draw.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Game Reviews

Hello again everyone! I just started writing game reviews on a website called
I would love if you could check out my reviews! I only have two so far but many more are yet to come! :) Please feel free to tell me what you think.

More Manga Drawings

Here are a  few more manga drawing I have drawn in the last couple of weeks. I will explain each one under the picture. Enjoy!

I drew this one while on a plane from Az. It was only an hour long flight and a bumpy one. Notice the wiggly table the girl is sitting on? Yeah, I blame the bumpy plane :P
I was wanting to do some sort of pirate look for the girl. However, even though her face isn't like a treasure hungry pirate, she still has the fashion of one! haha! 

I drew this one while staying with my mom and step-dad. I just doodled it with pencil. I will probably pen it out eventually. But I just love how happy and carefree she looks! She really is enjoying her day.

This girl is actually supposed to be looking out to space from her planet. She longs for an exciting life soaring through the stars and seeing other planets. She herself is on a different planet than Earth .I mean notice that strange critter next to her (I have no idea what it is), it is something different.

And here is the last one. I was actually watching "Legend of the Seeker" when I was drawing her. And I guess on accident, her outfit looked as if it should belong in that show! haha! I drew this one with pencil, and due to how much I shaded with just the pencil, I don't think I am going to pen it.

Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed these four drawings!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spring Forest

Here is my newest painting! This is a spring forest! The 3rd painting for my season set. As you can see in my previous paintings, I have already completed my autumn and winter forests! All that is left to complete now is summer. Anyways, Enjoy!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Winter Forest

I just finished this painting! I once again, as always, used acrylic paints! As you can see on my earlier painting, I painted an autumn forest and this one is a winter forest. I am trying to paint four different forests each in a different season. Soon I will post a spring or summer one! Anyways, enjoy!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Autumn Forest

Here is my newest creation! I just finished painting this earlier today. I call it, "Autumn Forest". I once again used acrylic paint. I might start using oil paints soon though. Finally I got a set of fan brushes. That is how I got the grass and leaves effect. Anyways, Enjoy!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Hello again everyone! I just recently completed this painting. For this painting I used acrylic paints. I used water (which again, I need to get some art oil since water is not the best choice for acrylic). I have been trying to work on backgrounds. Like my last painting, with the sun rising. And now with the moon. I am actually very happy with these results :) Anyways, enjoy!

Friday, April 19, 2013


Here are two paintings I painted this week. The elephant one is painted with a blue watercolor background (very light) and oil paint. Then I used buttons for the balloons and glitter glue for the string. The bird painting I used strictly acrylics. I did use water (which I know is a no-no with acrylics) to smooth the sunset and the branches. And I would have used art oil like I was supposed to but I was too lazy to go out and buy some :P lol

Anyways, enjoy!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Art Once Again :)

 Here are a few more pictures. I drew these this last week. I am trying to move away from using references and coming up with character all on my own. So here they are!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Art, Art and MORE ART!

So I have finally hooked up the scanner at my new apartment! YAY! So I thought, why don't I post things as a celebration? So I am :D Here are quite a few pictures I decided to scan on. Not all the best quality may I assure you. :P

Friday, March 8, 2013

Minecraft Part 2

Hi everyone! I made another Minecraft video! This one is based on the apartment Chris and I just moved into! Enjoy!

Monday, March 4, 2013


Here is a link to a video I made today.
It is not a very good quality one, I did it just for fun!
It is about a game called Minecraft. Where you have to mine and build objects.
However, in the game, everything is made out of blocks.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Recent Move

Recently, on February 8, 2013 to be exact, Christian got a call from a company called Ultramain. They offered him a job there. However, this job was in Albuquerque, New Mexico. So we were going to have to move. I have lived in Arizona my whole life. I was really sad to go, but it needs to be done! This was and is a great opportunity for Christian! We could never just let it slip by.

The company gave us until February 25 to move out there. We were really stressed and scared about this. MOVING IN LESS THAN A MONTH?? Especially to a whole new state. :P
However, we did it. We prayed and asked God for strength and perseverance  And gave it He did. Now we are living in an apartment called Spain Gardens in New Mexico.  Chris starts his new job in 4 days. We are so excited, nervous, scared... But God is and will take care of us! We are so blessed!

I dearly miss my family back home. They are so fun to be around and are always there for Chris and I. It has been hard for me to live somewhere where they are over 6 hours away. But I am managing, I have Chris here with me. As well as his dad. So we have family here too.


I recently got married! On December 29, 2012 I married my best friend Christian! Here are a few of the amazing pictures that were taken. :)