Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Primary Color Sisters

And they are finally complete! All three of the Primary Color Sisters are drawn and colored.
I will list them off for you from the oldest to the youngest.

Here is Sapphire, the oldest of the sisters. Sapphire has a sweet and caring personality. You will rarely see her without a smile on her face. She looks out for her younger sisters and wants the best for them.

This is Ginger. The middle sister out of the three. Ginger has a spunky and fun personality. Definitely the most adventurous out of the three sisters. 

This is Goldie, the youngest sister out of the three. Goldie may look the most mature out of her sisters, but in reality she can cry at the drop of a button. At the silliest things too.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the Primary Color Sisters!

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