Monday, April 30, 2012

Idea Done!

 Here is the bird garland idea I had! I am actually quite happy with the results of my garland!  My mom made the actual flowers for me. She painted the edges of the flowers with water color pink and got a simple flower garland instruction online. The birds I cut out of scrapbook paper. (I cut out about 30 birds of various sizes) I found the bird shapes on Google and just cut them out. Then I got a hole punch and punched a hole in every other flower and every bird. I used white string to tie the birds to the flowers. (Sorry for my poor quality of pictures) I am not the best photagrapher!) haha!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


So today I was feeling rather inspired! I made my family dinner and dessert! For dinner I made Zucchini Casserole and for dessert I made Chocolate Covered Bananas! I meant to take a picture of my creations, but they were eaten up so quickly!
Here is the recipe for the Casserole:

  • 1 lb. zucchini sliced
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 med, sized onion, chopped
  • 1/2 c. canned tomatoes
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. pepper
  • 2 tbsp. parsley, chopped
  • 1/3 c. bread crumbs (since my mom is gluten free I used chips that were smashed very finely, it worked great)
  • 2 tbsp. Parmesan cheese, grated (I had no Parmesan, so I used the shredded cheese mix, also worked)
  • 1/2 tsp. basil
  • 1/4 tsp. oregano
Saute onion and zucchini in olive oil for several minutes. Add balance of ingredients. Mix thoroughly and transfer to 1 1/2 quart casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Makes 4 servings :)


HI! Sorry I have been gone for a few days. I have been very busy with my sister's wedding shower! Speaking of which, I found this idea on Pinterest and decided to make it for my sister's wedding shower (because the theme is birds)  as a decoration! Of course I am changing it up a little bit! I will post my finished product soon!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


 I have only been to a different country (other than Mexico) only once. And that was to, Ireland. :) I went there with a great friend Brandi over the summer in 2011. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! And cold! haha Even though it was in the middle of summer! So anyways, here are a few of the many photos we took in Ireland :)

This is gong to be my next Charcoal Challenge >:D As you may know, I recently got engaged!! So I decided to do a wedding themed still life. My wedding is Christmas themed, so I scattered small ornaments throughout the wedding veil. The rings are my engagement ring and my "soon to be husband"'s wedding ring :) I will be done by next week, so I will post the finished product on May 2 :)... or May 3

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another Charcoal Still Life

Here is another charcoal drawing :) This one is considerably better than my egg drawing haha! More drawings are still to come :)

Cherry Blossom

A while back I enjoyed making bonsai cherry blossom trees out of wire. I would get a square styrofoam, bend a clothing hanger, and stick the hanger into the square. Then I would wrap flower wire multiple times around the hanger, keeping some the wires longer to represent branches. After this I got even smaller wire (Used for wire jewlry) and wrapped in around the branches to create texture. Once this was done I sprayed the tree with dark brown spray paint. When the paint dried I got pink tissue paper and ripped it into tiny circles and pinched the middle of it to look like a flower. I once again used the small wire to wrapped the flower onto the branches. After all of this was finished I stuck the styrofoam into a nice vase, put fake grass and rocks on top the styrofoam. Quite the long process, but it is quite enjoyable once finished. :)

Birdies :)

My older sister is getting married on June 1 and I am happy to report that I am her maid of honor :) The theme of her wedding is birds and for her wedding shower I decided to make little birds for the favors! (I found this idea on I bought candy coated almonds and then also bought black and yellow edible gel writers. On the almonds I put 2 black eyes and a yellow beak :) I think they are rather cute

Monday, April 23, 2012

British Fun :)

This is something that was quite a lot of fun to make! haha! And it only took 5 minutes! :) My good friend Brandi was over and we were making silly videos just for fun. Well we had begun to run out of video ideas, so we asked my Step-father for a video idea. And all he said was: You (Being me) and Brandi are sisters who are about to have tea with your (still me) boyfriend and his brother. You made lemon bars and tell Brandi not to eat them but she does anyways... And then he grabbed the camera and filmed us. On the spot this is what we came up with haha! :)

Uncommon Holiday :)

Well I must admit, I love Disney Princesses. SO it only seems natural to tell you that this week is National Disney Princess Week! :) Therefore, I say to you; Happy National Disney Princess Week!!!!

My First Charcoal Drawing

I apologize that the picture is rather small. But I am starting to learn how to work with charcoal. This is one of my first pieces. I have heard that it is good to start with drawing eggs with charcoal. So that is precisely what I did. Along with the eggs I placed two lego figures. Just to add a little something interesting. Looking at it now I realize that I messed up on the left side. it looks a little rough. But then again this is one of my first! :)


SO you may wonder why I chose to title this blog, "Curry Creativity". Well a few years ago, a great friend of mine Jodi and I went to an after Christmas sale and found two lone stuffed bears for almost 90% off. Of course we just had to have them. Thus we pulled out $2 each and bought the bears. And promised to keep them forever as Brothers. She named her bear Wilhelm, and I named mine Curry. And I suppose the name has stuck with me. And even after these years I still have Curry in my room. :)