Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sapphire, the Oldest of the Primary Color Sisters

Hello everyone! 
I have been having trouble drawing the other My Little Pony girls, so i decided to take a break from it for a while.
For the time being I decided to draw three sisters, the Primary Color Sisters.
The oldest sister Sapphire, is the first one I have finished. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

R.I.P Grandma D

Hello everyone. 
I wanted to thank everyone who kept Grandma D in their prayers. 
She fought cancer very bravely, however, on June 23 she passed away.

Thankfully my husband and I were able to go up to Washington, where she lived, and see her before she died. It was hard to see her in such a weak state. But we were so blessed to say our good byes and talk with her in her final hours.
I know it meant a lot to my husband to see her again.

Rest in Peace, Grandma D. We love you very much.

Friday, June 14, 2013


 This is it people! The moment I have been waiting for..... My blog has reached 1,000 views! 
(not including my own views)
This calls for a celebration! 
Thank you to everyone who has visited my blog and commented!


Hello everyone! This is my newest painting. You may notice that this painting looks similar to one of my earlier paintings. That is because someone I know asked me to paint them a sunset with birds. It was a lot of fun to paint. The top picture is the sunset before I painted the branches and the birds.
The bottom is the finished product. 
Anyways, Enjoy!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Grandma Dee

Hello everyone! I have a request for everyone. Please pray for my Grandma Dee.
Grandma Dee is not actually my grandmother by blood, but my husband's grandmother. A few weeks Christian got a call from his mom informing us that Grandma Dee had lung cancer. This took us completely by surprise. Grandma had just moved up to Washington to be with Pam (my mother-in-law) and not even a month after moving she found out she had cancer.

Well, throughout the treatments for the cancer it did not shrink. In fact it grew tremendously. The cancer has spread to her brain and her bones. There is not much of any chance that Grandma Dee is going to make it through this. 

I have only met Grandma Dee twice in my life so far. But she is still my family. It pains me to see my husband's family struggling. And I will admit, this time has not at all been easy for me either. Late last year I lost my uncle to brain cancer. So it is not like I have not dealt with cancer with in my family before.... But I don't think it is something anyone could get used to.

Even though the cancer has spread enormously, my husband and I are still going to pray and ask for prayer that she can be healed. Of course, no matter what happens it will be God's will. But we know that God can heal all! So please pray for her to recover. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pinkie Pie

Here is the next pony. This is Pinkie Pie! In the show she is very hyper and loves to throw parties!
Here is what she looks like in her show.

My Sister's Anniversary

Hello again! June 1, 2013 was my sister and her husband's one year wedding anniversary! i am so happy for the both of them. To celebrate I drew them this picture. My sister has been wanting me to draw her a picture of her and her husband since before they got married! So it is a little late, but still special.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hello again! The girl above is based off a character from a kid's show My Little Pony. But you may be asking, aren't all the characters in My Little Pony... ponies? Well, yes they are. However, it has become a recent craze to draw the six main pony characters as humans. I thought that was a fun and creative idea. So I have begun drawing all the characters as humans. 

This character above is named Fluttershy. She is very timid and shy. However, she is rather kind and gentle. She also loves to care for small animals. In the show Fluttershy is my favorite character. That is why i decided to draw her first. I am not an avid fan of My Little Pony, but I do enjoy watching it. It is a very cute and upbeat show. I would recommend watching it.
Below is a picture of Fluttershy as a pony in the show.