Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Photo Shop

This is what I did when I got bored in Photography class! haha :) Well, I know they aren't the best. I was wanting them to look like paintings. So I used the smudge tool on Photoshop 6, and when I was done I over exposed it to make it look more vibrant. :) Well anyways, enjoy!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Favorite Pictures

This semester I took a Photography class since it was required for my Graphic Design degree. 
But throughout the class I was so stressed since I never was gifted in photography. In the end, though, I learned a lot. I am still no master at photography and I have a lot to learn. But these are a few of my favorite photos from this semester.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Failure on Baking

Here is what I gave my Fiance for our one year anniversary! Don't worry, isn't wasn't supposed to look like this. It was supposed to be a yellow cake shaped like a heart with chocolate icing. BUT instead the cake fell apart and the home made icing ended up being too runny. Thankfully, though, my fiance said it tasted delicious!! *^.^* YAY! So even though it didn't look right it was still yummy!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Peaches and Cream

This is my newest food creation! I made this for my family yesterday! It is called Peaches and Cream!

Here are the ingredients:

  • 4 medium peaches (pitted and sliced like an apple)
  • Strawberries (cut into 4ths)
  • Blueberries
  • 1 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract or almond extract
  • Brown sugar
Here is the way to make it:
  • Put heavy whipping cream into a bowl and beat it until it becomes thick
  • Add almond extract (or vanilla) and beat for another minute
  • Then arrange the already cut fruit on a platter and dollop the cream onto the fruit
  • Then sprinkle brown sugar on top of the fruit and the cream
  • And ENJOY :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Jeny Got Married!

My sister Jeny got married!! She and her husband Josh (aka J.D) got married on June 1, 2012! Here are a few of the amazing pictures that Amanda Stone took at the wedding :)
I am so happy for Jeny! She deserves a great guy like Josh! And it is a little crazy to think that she is going to be in my wedding 5 months from now. Both of us began dating our significant others in the same year and got married in the same year! It is funny how these things happen. Either way, I am so happy for both of them. :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Still Life numero 3

This is my latest still life drawing with charcoal. My favorite part was the left side of the drawing. The seashell turned out quite nicely :) The tall glass jar on the right proved to be quite the challenge.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Glass Drawing

This is my first time drawing glass with charcoal. It proved to be very difficult since glass, as you know, is transparent. But not the crystal clear transparent. It distorts whatever goes through it. It took me a while, but I am rather proud of the way this turned out. :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More Charcoal

This drawing is of a metallic fabric. This was my first attempt of drawing cloth with charcoal. There was a still life with multiple fabrics draped and tied over some sort of wooden stand. This metallic cloth, that was wrapped around one of the wooden poles grabbed my attention and I decided to draw that one specific cloth.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wedding Ball

Here is something I made today for my upcoming wedding! All it took was a foam ball, paper flowers, and ball point push pins! I am going to tie a ribbon on them and hang them on aisle end chairs! Hope the rest of them turn out as good as this one!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Save the Date Card Ideas

Since Christian and I recently got engaged it's time for SAVE THE DATE CARDS! :) I am wanting to save as much money as I can, so I decided to make the cards myself :) Here are 3 ideas I came up with. Each are unique and could possibly work. Please give me your comments on the good, the bad, and what you think I could possibly change :)

 For this particular one (the one above), on my computer the background is a little darker. I thought the flowers were a nice touch.
 This is the only idea that resembles the theme for the wedding. On my computer, the right color is a dark antique red, rather than a maroon.
On this one, I thought in each envelope, I could also put a photo of Christian and I in it. That way people can frame it, or put on their fridge, or whatever. But it may end up costing more money for printing.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Engagement Photos

As many of you know, I recently got engaged to the most amazing guy! And last Saturday we got our Engagement photos taken by Grant Brummett, so I just had to post them :) Here they are!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wedding Shower

Today was my sister's wedding shower! It went really well and the decorations ended up looking great! Here is one of the tables that were decorated! With some of the food for the guests on the table! The food was from Chick-fil-a! yum!!!!

Quail Family

A few days ago I was with my mom at the house and we looked outside in our backyard only to find the cutest quail family! They apparently made a nest in one of our plants and made an adorable family! We had to take some picture so I am sharing them with you! enjoy! :)

Newest Creation :)

As promised here is the finished charcoal drawing of the previous photo :) I am sorry it is a little later than I originally said, but I was really busy with my sister's wedding shower this weekend. :) I was in a little bit of a rush to get this drawing done, so it is not as perfect as I wish it was. But anyways, enjoy :)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Idea Done!

 Here is the bird garland idea I had! I am actually quite happy with the results of my garland!  My mom made the actual flowers for me. She painted the edges of the flowers with water color pink and got a simple flower garland instruction online. The birds I cut out of scrapbook paper. (I cut out about 30 birds of various sizes) I found the bird shapes on Google and just cut them out. Then I got a hole punch and punched a hole in every other flower and every bird. I used white string to tie the birds to the flowers. (Sorry for my poor quality of pictures) I am not the best photagrapher!) haha!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


So today I was feeling rather inspired! I made my family dinner and dessert! For dinner I made Zucchini Casserole and for dessert I made Chocolate Covered Bananas! I meant to take a picture of my creations, but they were eaten up so quickly!
Here is the recipe for the Casserole:

  • 1 lb. zucchini sliced
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 med, sized onion, chopped
  • 1/2 c. canned tomatoes
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. pepper
  • 2 tbsp. parsley, chopped
  • 1/3 c. bread crumbs (since my mom is gluten free I used chips that were smashed very finely, it worked great)
  • 2 tbsp. Parmesan cheese, grated (I had no Parmesan, so I used the shredded cheese mix, also worked)
  • 1/2 tsp. basil
  • 1/4 tsp. oregano
Saute onion and zucchini in olive oil for several minutes. Add balance of ingredients. Mix thoroughly and transfer to 1 1/2 quart casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Makes 4 servings :)


HI! Sorry I have been gone for a few days. I have been very busy with my sister's wedding shower! Speaking of which, I found this idea on Pinterest and decided to make it for my sister's wedding shower (because the theme is birds)  as a decoration! Of course I am changing it up a little bit! I will post my finished product soon!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


 I have only been to a different country (other than Mexico) only once. And that was to, Ireland. :) I went there with a great friend Brandi over the summer in 2011. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! And cold! haha Even though it was in the middle of summer! So anyways, here are a few of the many photos we took in Ireland :)

This is gong to be my next Charcoal Challenge >:D As you may know, I recently got engaged!! So I decided to do a wedding themed still life. My wedding is Christmas themed, so I scattered small ornaments throughout the wedding veil. The rings are my engagement ring and my "soon to be husband"'s wedding ring :) I will be done by next week, so I will post the finished product on May 2 :)... or May 3

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another Charcoal Still Life

Here is another charcoal drawing :) This one is considerably better than my egg drawing haha! More drawings are still to come :)