Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Legend of Zelda Artwork

Long time no post! Sorry it has been so long. Kind of had a baby, so I have been busy. Anyways, I am happy to be back! Recently I have begun drawing and painting different Zelda themed things. I am actually planning on putting these designs on some shoes! If that goes well I am actually hoping to start selling painted shoes! I am only i the beginning stages right now, but here are the few things I have right now.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Jamaican Fruit Comission

Here is a commision given to me by a Jamaican family. They asked me to paint a portrait with Jamaican fruits and flowers. It was a little challenging for me, especially since I have never painted fruit before. But they loved it! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wedding Video

Here is my wedding video :) I am so happy to be able to share this video. Sorry it is not the of the best quality but I am grateful to be able to have a keepsake of my wedding day. Anyways, enjoy!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Peacock Commision

Here is my latest creation! I just literally finished it. This is by far the largest painting I have ever done. This is a 20in by 36in painting. It was a commission I received not to long ago. It has most definitely been a challenge but a good one.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Primary Color Sisters

And they are finally complete! All three of the Primary Color Sisters are drawn and colored.
I will list them off for you from the oldest to the youngest.

Here is Sapphire, the oldest of the sisters. Sapphire has a sweet and caring personality. You will rarely see her without a smile on her face. She looks out for her younger sisters and wants the best for them.

This is Ginger. The middle sister out of the three. Ginger has a spunky and fun personality. Definitely the most adventurous out of the three sisters. 

This is Goldie, the youngest sister out of the three. Goldie may look the most mature out of her sisters, but in reality she can cry at the drop of a button. At the silliest things too.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the Primary Color Sisters!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunflower Commission

Here is one of my commission paintings. I just recently finished this one.
This painting was actually based on a vase.
The vase had a rough outlining around the leaves and the petals.
What I ended up doing to achieve that look was dip a pencil into the paint and roughly outline the picture. 
It ended up being much harder than it sounds but over all I am rather happy with the result.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hello everyone! 
I hope you are having a great weekend. Recently I just opened my painting doors up to commissions. Within one month of me doing so I received 7 different commissions.That is so great! 

Since I did so well with commissions just from word of mouth I am now going to offer commissions to all of you! If you by any chance are interested in commissioning a painting from me please feel free to leave a comment below or email me.

My email is:

Also the prices can vary depending on the size of the painting. When I weigh out the costs of the painting here is what goes into consideration:

The price of the canvas, price of any supplies I must get for the particular painting if I do have them already, the time needed to complete the paintings, and shipping.

For Example: An 8 inch by 10 inch painting usually goes for $15 plus shipping and handling.